5/19/2009 03:50:00 PM

Time to sleep

Ever since she was two weeks old, she has been sleeping in her bassinet. She has been sleeping through the night regularly since she was 3 weeks old. The longest she has slept without waking up is 12 1/2 hours. Since she turned a month and a half she has been sleeping nine to eleven hours a night.
I try to give her a schedule for bed time to get used to. She will start going down between eight and nine in the evening, after her last feeding, she gets all snuggled in one of her warm blankets in her bassinet with a pacifier, and she puts herself to sleep most of the time.


Anonymous said...

ahhh, the joys of having an easy baby...I experienced quite the opposite with Janine.

Juliette McGraw said...

Ahh the room is just soo nice! I bet of coars you desinged it!