4/29/2010 11:17:00 PM

More Walking

I found this adorable pajama set, she was all happy after a bath, walking around my apartment, showing off for Daddy.
Then she tops it all off by "blowing a kiss".

4/20/2010 04:39:00 PM


McGraw aunties have been here in Chicago for a month now.

She's so excited when she sees her aunts, she loves them all.

4/19/2010 07:47:00 PM


Today Giselle decided she was going to walk.
She has taken steps before, but now feels a lot more secure.

More will follow

4/18/2010 04:20:00 PM

Easter Lamb

Found some little lamb ears for Easter

She's such a dainty little girl

Abuela goes crazy every time she sticks out her little pinky

Applauding herself

Nosy little Lamb

The bleating lamb. . She didn't like the poky grass

Noticing the flowers


4/14/2010 04:52:00 PM

Celebrating Aunt Grace's Birthday

With aunts Cristina and Michelle

With uncle Danny and Urte

Most of the aunts on the McGraw side and her Grandparents.