3/01/2010 10:36:00 PM

Lamb's 1st Birthday

Happy Birthday to my Lamb

Venci and Giselle

This cake took forever to make, but I like to think it was worth it.

She doesn't know how to play hard to get

Daddy's little girl

Loved tearing the paper

So happy with her gifts

Mommy's gift

Grandpa's gift

Gift from uncle Danny

Gift from Yati and Josue

Flo's gift

Daddy, with his pink

Daddy's trying to show her what to do with the flame

Tasting the cake

At least she thought it was yummy

Up so late

Partying until midnight


Juliet Thomson said...

Oh lamb I remember the day you were born, the hospital room and the look on your mothers face. Taking into consideration the bad energy bars I ate it’s safe to say I was the sickest person in the room, even your daddy’s pained look was nothing in comparison. I remember the first time I heard you cry, it didn’t seem real even cutting your umbilical cord was a dream. I slept with you all that night and couldn’t stop kissing you; you made me want to have a baby of my own although it wouldn’t be half as cute. I love you with a love I’ve never had for anything else because I watched you come into this world. I love you and forever will.

Juliette McGraw said...

Shes a Bratt!! she got that from her auntiee!! :P hahaha Happy Birthday little one!!