7/10/2009 12:09:00 AM

Pray for me

Please pray for Giselle, these past few nights she has been crying a lot in here sleep from bad dreams, pray that she can start sleeping well without them.

Here is a video of my sleeping little lamb.


Juliette McGraw said...

AHH she is getting soo cute i wish i was there.. It isn't fair wua

Anonymous said...

she could just be gassy...

GeminiSide said...

She has gas a lot and never had a problem getting it out and therefore no problem with pain. She cries out in her sleep and normally stops as soon as I touch her face and/or give her a pacifier.

Anonymous said...

That happened to my baby too and imagined it'd be of bad dreams but why? Later on i read a message from Jesus(I think it was in the Kidland book)where he advises us mothers to not watch movies or tv with babys near. He said that even the sound of screams could really disturb them as their so sensitive to the spirit,and that later on it could be why some kids tend to be really scared of almost anything or tend to be a bit violent. So i did as it said and sure enough she never cried in her sleep again. I don't know maybe it could be that but hey the Lord always knows best so you could always ask Him.