8/29/2009 01:41:00 PM

New Experiences

Because of the heat during our visit to Louisiana and Texas, Giselle started having a juice bottle, she loved it, and would hold it herself.

She got to play in the pool in the floaty, and even went underwater a couple times, like her other cousins.

Borrowing some of her cousins toys, she was quite interested in some of them.

8/25/2009 09:12:00 PM

Half a Birthday to you

Today, Giselle is six months old.

12 lbs 6 ozs
26 1/4 inches

8/24/2009 09:24:00 PM

Videos with the Cuz's

Meeting with the cousins for the first time, except for Owen who wasn't interested with 'Baby Bazelle', yet.

Giselle and Pamela, very interested in eachother and very loving, always ready for kisses.

8/21/2009 03:04:00 PM


Our trip is now over, and it is time to post all of the photos from the last two weeks.

With Pamela, 1

With Owen, 2 1/2

With Diego, almost 3.

Didn't get any pictures of her with Julian (1 year 5 months), he wasn't as interested in her as were some of the others.

8/07/2009 10:20:00 AM

Open Wide

Giselle eating her first meal a month ago. She eats her meal once a day before going to bed.

8/04/2009 08:00:00 PM

Meeting the Etheredges

Giselle and I left early in the morning on the 2nd and flew to Memphis, and then caught our second flight to Lafayette Louisiana. She did very well on the flight, fell asleep both times in take off. She was very friendly and even tried to jump into the arms of a sailor sitting next to us on the first flight.

So happy with her aunties, she kept giving them kisses.

With aunt Liz.

Eating uncle Jasons nose.

With aunt Nash at the pool.

A nice meal with most of her uncles and aunts. Will meet the last ones soon.

8/01/2009 10:50:00 PM


Who's the cutest girl in the world?

This is the cutest thing in my world!

Staring at the camera..

She gets very interested in 'real' things, not just toys

Looking good in all her finery.

Judia, calculating how much the pearls are worth.

Beautiful, naked!